There are no set rules on when to start dating again after giving birth. Some single moms find they are happy to date within weeks, and for others it takes years. Below are a few different opinions debated by single moms on when the best time is to start thinking about dating again.

Start as soon as you can

Some single moms feel it is important to get back on the dating scene as soon as possible after giving birth. Bringing up a baby is stressful and exhausting and it can be very lonely if you are doing it on your own. Dating can help you to feel happier and more confident which in turn will benefit your baby. If you are going to date straight away make sure it is only for short periods in the day so that you are with your baby as much as possible.

dating after pregnancy how soon

As fast as you like, but keep it separate

A lot of single moms think it is fine to start dating quickly after giving birth as long as you keep your new partner away from your children. Some moms are just looking for a quick fling to boost their confidence back up and others end up dating a lot of partners before they find someone to settle down with. It can be very difficult introducing a new partner to your children, so it is important to wait until you really know the person and are certain they are someone you see yourself with for a long time.

Wait for a while

Other single moms are very against dating early on after giving birth. They feel that it is important to spend every minute with your newborn, making sure that you bond and don't miss any of those precious first moments. If you dive into a relationship too quickly you could end up distressing your child by introducing too many new people. Take your time and make sure your baby is getting all the attention that he or she needs.

when to date after pregnancy

Wait until you feel ready

Many single moms feel that there is no answer to how soon is right, because each individual case is different. If you are not strong enough emotionally then you could suffer very negative consequences if the relationship comes to an end. Similarly it may take a while for you to feel confident about your body again. You obviously experienced a lot of changes to your body during and after your pregnancy, so it is important to make sure you are physically ready for a new relationship.

Don't go looking, just let it happen naturally

Finally, there are some single moms who feel you should not be looking for a new relationship. You should take things slowly and let relationships build naturally. Enjoy your time with your children and be patient – it will happen eventually. Don't worry about your children not having a father figure because that isn't essential to have a strong family. Make sure you have a good set of friends around you that can offer support and can be good role models for your children.

If you feel you are ready to start dating but want some time to ease yourself back into it, internet dating can be a great option. It will give you a chance to network with other single parents and to explore whether you are ready to take the next step in looking for a new relationship.